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Deb Fuchek's Physio Column

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January, 2000

Prevention Of A Pulled Hamstring Muscle

I have certainly seen and treated many hamstring strains, or more commonly referred to as a pulled hamstring muscle. From tennis players to soccer players to runners, hamstring pulls are an injury which often can be prevented.

The hamstring muscle, located on the back of the thigh, is made up of three muscles: the bicep femoris, semitendinosus, and the semimembranosus muscles. Although all may be involved in a hamstring strain, it may be more isolated to the inside muscles (semitendinosus and semitendinosus) or to the outside muscle (biceps femoris).

A hamstring strain occurs when unusual stress is placed on the hamstring muscle resulting in varying degrees of tearing of the muscle fibres and supporting tissue framework. The most common occurrence is in sports involving sprinting and jumping. The following factors predispose an athlete to a hamstring strain:

The best treatment program is prevention by ensuring adequate flexibility and strength of the hamstrings. Complete rehabilitation (full strength and flexibility) before returning to competition is important in decreasing recurrent injury. Strengthening can be done on the weight training machines doing various forms of leg curls (bending knee to bring heel toward buttock). Including these exercises in your warm-up schedule will assist in the prevention of a hamstring strain and improve your overall health.


Stretches should be held for 15 to 20 seconds and done 3 to 5 times on each side before and after workouts and more frequently if a hamstring strain is present.

Seated Hamstring Stretch

Seated Hamstring Stretch (r.leg)

Place the leg to be stretched straight out. Keep the knee straight. Bend the opposite knee in. Pull the foot of the outstretched leg toward you. Lean forward toward your leg by bending at your waist.

Seated Hamstring Stretch - Both Legs

Seated Hamstring Stretch (both legs)

Place both legs straight out. Pull your feet toward you, keeping both knees straight. Lean forward toward your legs by bending at your waist.

Standing Hamstring Stretch

Standing Hamstring Stretch (r.leg)

The leg being stretched is extended straight out. The toes are pulled up toward you. The opposite knee is bent and takes about 75% of the body weight. Again, stretch by bending forward at the waist.


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