- 1. Who was the top American finisher in the men's marathon at the Atlanta Olympics?
- 2. At the 1968 Olympics Jack Bacheler of the US ran the marathon. What other event did he compete in?
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- 3. Who won the first Boston Marathon?
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- 4. What was Joan Benoit-Samuelson's first sport?
- 5. How long after arthroscopic surgery did Joan Benoit qualify for the US marathon team for the Olympics?
- 6. In what track event did Grete Waitz hold the world record?
- 7. Jim F. Fixx was not always the lean fit runner we remember him as. He was very overweight when he began running and came in last place in his first race. How much did he weigh?
- 8. Is running going the way of body-building? Who said this: "The way it is now, we should have two Olympics, one for clean athletes, one for the druggies."?
- 9. Who was first U.S. high school runner in history to break 4:00 for the mile indoors?
- 10. "How many times did Frank Shorter win Japan's elite Fukuoka Marathon?"